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A great challenge many college students face today is the overabundance of politics in the classroom. Many teachers find it acceptable, and sometimes imperative, to teach his or her political agenda during class. Politics are everywhere in our society. They are an unavoidable aspect of our lives, and, for the most part, they are of great value to American people. Politics have shaped the United States, and they are the reason we live the way we do. Everyone has their own political affiliations and agendas, but there are some places where these affiliations need to be put aside. Political opinions have no need in the classroom, especially the composition classroom where the primary focus is learning to write professionally.


College should be about furthering education, not a professor’s personal stance on politics. Students cannot achieve educational greatness if they are constantly being bombarded by political agendas such as sexism, racism, feminism, liberalism, conservatism, etc. Not only do the extreme political agendas of professors harm students, but it also diminishes the professional standing of a college.

Politics in the Classroom

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